SINCE 1962



vom 28. Juni bis 28. Juli 2024
Vegetarisch genießen im Südtiroler Gasthaus.
So unverwechselbar leicht und frisch schmeckt der Sommer - weil wir wissen, wo was herkommt.


Summer Holidays

from July 8th to July 22, 2024, we are taking a little break. We're swapping ladles and aprons for flip-flops and air mattresses. From July 23, we will be back for you!

Genuine flavours all year round: whenever possible, our garden or the local farmer next door provides us with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Even our meat is locally sourced whenever possible. Enjoy our homemade aperitifs, excellent South Tyrolean wines, and heartfelt hospitality.

Our motto? Less is more. We cherish the flavours of individual ingredients and the quality of our products. We are on a first-name basis with our producers and suppliers, knowing exactly where our ingredients come from and how they are grown.

At Apollonia, nature is our greatest teacher. She teaches us patience and the importance of taking time to enjoy good food and great conversations.

With us, pleasure is homemade. From planting to plating, every dish is prepared with passion. We love crafting food by hand, including our homemade pasta, gnocchi, dumplings, and desserts.

The Perfect Flavor at the Perfect Time. From Our Land to Your Table

With love, we craft limited edition products for our pantry using everything that grows at home, on the farm, and in the garden: flowers and leaves, berries, shoots, and fruits. Handmade jams, chutneys, syrups, herb blends, and pickles, all perfected and preserved... A little piece of Apollonia to take home with you.

Feel free to contact us; we'll be delighted to find the perfect spot for you.